Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mexican Hot Chocolate

These cookies are AMAZING! Definitely my favorite cookie of all time. I put my own little twists on it of course..
Dry ingredients
 Wet Ingredients
 All of the above
 Secret ingredient :]


I am semi-obsessed with this drink
Iced Chai Tea Latte <3
 Hi-Chew! Japanese candy. Try them if you never have. I like grape and cantaloupe.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Fry fest in LA

So me and my friend went to LA over the weekend to look for apartments and ended up frying everything in sight. We fried oreos, recees, strawberries stuffed with a cream cheese icing as well as bananas with peanut butter and honey. The banana and recees were my favorite although the strawberry one did taste like a version of strawberry shortcake.... SO GOOD!
 My partner in crime/food Richard covering who know's what with pancake batter to be fried.

 We also went to The Grove in LA. Love the farmers market...
 ...And of course I bought (and shared) 16 Char Siu Bao. (And 4 potstickers)
Although the ones from Hong Kong Gardens Bakery are better.
 Ended the weekend with a delicious, unhealthy, and much needed sausage, egg, and cheese buiscit from Jack in the Box.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The last two weeks in the Bake Cave..

I made 225 cookies for my friend at work. Here are a couple of random pictures of that!
And I think I decided on 50 cents a cookie or a dozen for $5..

Oatmeal Cranberry

 Peanut Butter

Carrot cakes

Char Siu Bao from Hong Hong Gardens Bakery in Torrance. 
I am obsessed with these things..

 My favorite cook books! I dont know what I would do without them. 
Both given to me by my beloved "Aunt"
 This given to me by my girl Moni. <3
 Just got my business cards in the mail today!